Leave a Legacy to Touch Lives for Christ
You are uniquely positioned to significantly impact the world for Christ through The Gideons International-as a TorchBearer.
TorchBearers are special supporters of the ministry, who further their witness and legacy with a future provision for Scriptures through their estate plan. Just like Old Testament prophet Gideon, whose 300 men broke open their jars to shed the light of their torches (Judges 7:16-20), TorchBearers continue to spread the light of the Gospel after leaving this world.
Here's the typical way to become a TorchBearer now, and provide God's Word later. Simply name The Gideons International as a beneficiary. Give whatever the Lord puts on your heart. Then, provide the following kind of language to your attorney for inclusion in your will:
"I give and bequeath to The Gideons International, a non-profit corporation of Illinois (now having its headquarters in Nashville, TN) the sum of $_________." [or____ percent of the rest, remainder and residue of my estate."]
You may already be a TorchBearer. If you have included The Gideons as part of your estate plans, whether through a bequest or other provision, simply notify the Development Division at International Headquarters so we are sure to honor your intentions as you wish.
Your plans will remain confidential; however, you will be invited to join other TorchBearers for the annual appreciation reception at the Gideons International Convention. You will also be sent a TorchBearers certificate honoring your desire to win the lost to Christ through the ongoing ministry of The Gideons International.